

Protection of life and critical assets is the purpose of our business. Our highly skilled workforce designs and builds precision-engineered solutions and provides a personalized customer service experience for businesses around the world that want peace of mind from experiencing consequences of serious financial loss or a devastating disaster.

Newson Gale

The uncontrolled buildup and discharge of electrostatic sparks must be avoided in EX / HAZLOC environments to prevent ignitions that could harm people and damage plant equipment, products and the environment. Newson Gale’s wide range of static grounding and bonding systems, equipment and accessories can control and eliminate these ignition risks, creating a safer and more productive work environment.
Static electricity is an ever-present and significant ignition risk for operations conducted in flammable, combustible and potentially explosive atmospheres.


Over the last 30 years Hydratight has developed a comprehensive range of mechanical products for fastening, connecting and lifting mechanical structures and pipelines.
Integral Energy provides you with technology that has been trusted to ensure accuracy, speed and safety demanded by our customers. Whether it is products such as torque and tension bolting equipment or skilled in situ machining service, Integral Energy, working with Hydratight, is the trusted name for a job done right the first time.


Integral Energy looks to provide only the best quality products and services to our clients. Clean, efficient, dependable and durable, Cummins engines are found in nearly every type of vehicle and equipment on Earth, from pickup trucks to 18-wheelers, berry pickers to 360-ton mining haul trucks. You’ll also find us everywhere there’s water, with a full line of recreational and commercial marine diesels.
And every Cummins engine is backed by Cummins Genuine Parts and Service, providing total customer support from more than 7,200 worldwide locations every hour and every minute of every day.

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